When outputting to Word, PowerPoint, or PDF files, adjust data type formatting for currency and numerical values.
*This procedure is for Office File Creator Ver.1. For Ver.2, refer to Formatting of Currency and Number Fields.
Examples of Use
- Output number fields of 1,000 or more with comma. Example: 1000 -> 1,000
- When the number of decimal places in a number field exceeds the number of digits in the field, the number of decimal places is larger than the number of digits in the field. Need to Output the same number of digits as the number of field digits. Example: The field has two decimal places, but the value stored in Salesforce is 5.124, so 5.124 is output. 5.12 should be output, which is the same as the number of field digits, as in the Salesforce display screen.
- When the decimal point of a currency field is 0, the number of decimal places is less than the number of field digits. Need to Output the number of digits of the field. Example: In the case of 3.10, 3.1 is output, but need to output 3.10, which is the same as the number of field digits.
Default Formatting for Currency and Numeric Fields
When outputting to Word, PowerPoint, or PDF, the following formatting is applied by default to currency and number fields.
Formatted (With a comma delimiter, the decimal point is the number of digits of the field in principle, but not displayed if the decimal point is 0. However, if the decimal point is 0, it is not displayed, and is displayed to the third decimal place. e.g. 3.10 -> 3.1)
*The format follows the specification of the Apex format method.
No formatting (No comma delimiter and the Decimal point is the number of digits in the field in principle. However, if a value greater than the digits in the field definition is stored in Salesforce, the actual value is displayed).
OFC_Template Record Settings
Open the OFC_Template Object record detail page and enter the field values in the "(Pro) Image" section.
Adjust Format (commas/decimal places): When output in Word, PowerPoint, or PDF, check this field to output number field values over 1000 with three-digit comma separators. The number of decimal places for both currency and number values is the number of digits defined in the field.
Rounding Mode of Decimals over Digits: If "Rounding Mode of Decimals over Digits" is checked, select the rounding mode when the number of decimal places exceeds the number of digits defined in the field. If left blank, the default is "HALF_UP".
For more information on rounding modes, refer to the following.
- When outputting to Excel, they cannot be formatted. Format the cells in the template file.
- This feature has been added in Ver. 133 (free version Ver. 1.36). Grant field-level security for the OFC_Template object and use the "OFC_TemplateLayout_ver4" page layout.