2. Grant Permissions (Office File Creator Ver.1)

Grant permissions for Office File Creator.

*This procedure is for Office File Creator Ver.1. If you are using Ver.2, please refer to Grant Permissions.


2.1.  Settings of permissions

Set the OFC permissions as follows.

  • Admin user is the user who manages the OFC_Template record and template files and is the contract administrator.
  • General User is the user who outputs the files from the custom button on the record detail pages.



Settings Name Admin User General User
Custom Object Permissions OFC_Template Read/Create/Edit/Delete Read
Field-Level Security OFC_Template Grand Read/Edit Access to all fields. -
Custom Tab Settings OFC_Template


Default On Tab Hidden
Apex Class Grant access to Apex classes with the names beginning with "genofc.".
For the free version, the name must begin with "genofcfree.".
Visualforce Page Grant access to Visualforce Pages with the names beginning with "genofc.".
For the free version, the name must begin with "genofcfree.".

*As of Ver. 1.12.0, Read permission of Field-Level Security for general users is no longer required.

*OFC_License tab has been added since Ver. 1.36 (free version Ver. 1.38).



Grant permissions to profile

Click Setup from the settings icon in the upper right corner of the screen.


Enter "profile" in the Quick Search box and select Profiles". Click the target profile name.


Tab and Custom Object Settings

Click Edit.


Set the tabs for OFC_License and OFC_Template from "Custom Tab Settings" in the "Tab Settings" section.

Admin User: Default On

General User: Tab Hidden


Set the tabs for OFC_Template from "Custom Tab Settings" in the "Tab Settings" section.

Admin User: Check on "Read", "Create" and "Edit". *Check on "Delete", "View All", and "Modify All" if necessary.

General User: Check on "Read" only.


Click Save.


Field-Level Security

Only administrator users are granted for Field-Level Security. General users do not need to set Field-Level Security.

Click on the "View" link for OFC_Template of Custom Field-Level Security in the "Field-Level Security" section.


Click Edit.


Check on all Read Access and Edit Access, and click Save.


Click Back to Profile.


Apex Class

Permission settings for Apex classes are common to both Admin User and General User.

Click Edit in "Enabled Apex Class Access".

Add Apex classes with the names beginning with genofc. ("genofcfree." for the free version) in the "Enabled Apex Classes". Click Save.


Visualforce Page

Permission settings for Visualforce Page are common to both Admin User and General User.

Click Edit in "Enabled Visualforce Page Access".


Add Visualforce Pages with the names beginning with genofc. ("genofcfree." for the free version) in the "Enabled Visualforce Pages". Click Save.



2.2.  Note



2.3.  Troubleshooting

When outputting from a custom button, if the error message "Insufficient Privileges / You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary. For more information, see Insufficient Privileges Errors." is displayed, grant access to the Visualforce Pages. If you have created a Visualforce page for batch output from the list view, please grant access permission to the created Visualforce page.