Output Reference Object (Parent) Field

Output referenced object (parent) fields by using cross-object formulas for merge fields. The maximum hierarchy is 5 levels.

*This function is a feature of Office File Creator Ver.2. In ver.1, create a cross-object formula filed in the target object and set the created field as the merge field.

About Cross-object formulas

A Cross-object formula is the formula that displays the fields of the referenced object when the object has lookup fields.

For cross-object formulas, see the Salesforce Help.

What Is a Cross-Object Formula?


Merge Fields Settings

Cross Object Formula Formulas

  • A cross-object formula is "referenced field name. Referenced object field name".
  • From child to parent, reference fields are connected by ". from child to parent and back up. For three or more levels, the relationship is traced from the bottom up: child, child, child, ... parent, and so on.
  • From child to parent, reference fields are connected by ". to parent and follow upward.
  • If the reference field is a standard field, it is traced up excluding the Id at the end of the reference field name.
  • If the reference field is a custom field, change "__c" at the end of the reference field name to "__r" and trace up.
  • In Office File Creator, Up to 5 levels higher objects field can be used for merge fields.


The format of the merge filed is as follows.

{!Object API Name.Cross-object formula}


Example: Reference field is a standard field



Example: Reference field is a custom field



Available Fields When the Owner Field Refers to User and Queue

If the owner field references more than one object in the user and queue, as in the case object, some fields are available in the cross-object formula.


List of available Owner Fields (for objects that reference users and queues)

Field Name Cross-Object Formula Example of Merge Field
Id Owner.Id {!Case.Owner.Id}
Name Owner.Name {!Case.Owner.Name}
Email Owner.Email {!Case.Owner.Email}
Username Owner.Username {!Case.Owner.Username}
LastName Owner.LastName {!Case.Owner.LastName}
FirstName Owner.FirstName {!Case.Owner.FirstName}
Alias Owner.Alias {!Case.Owner.Alias}
Title Owner.Title {!Case.Owner.Title}
Phone Owner.Phone {!Case.Owner.Phone}
UserRoleId Owner.UserRoleId {!Case.Owner.UserRoleId}
ProfileId Owner.ProfileId {!Case.Owner.ProfileId}
LastReferencedDate Owner.LastReferencedDate {!Case.Owner.LastReferencedDate}
LastViewedDate Owner.LastViewedDate {!Case.Owner.LastViewedDate}




Use cross-object formulas to display parent/reference object fields in merge fields