Output 3 or More Levels of Child Records

Outputs child objects that are 3 or more levels of the master object. The maximum output hierarchy is 5 hierarchies.

*This feature is available in Office File Creator Pro.



Examples of Use

  • Output a list of Opportunity products (third-level grandchild objects) related to the Opportunity related to the Account.


Required settings

  • Merge Fields Settings
  • OFC_Child Object Option Record Settings



Merge Fields Settings

Set the merge field in the template file in the form of {!ChildRelationName.FieldAPI Name}.

e.g. {!OpportunityLineItems.ProductName}



OFC_Child Object Option Record Settings

Open the OFC_Child Object Option record detail page and enter the field values in the "(Pro) Advanced Relationship Settings " section.

Reference: Create OFC_Child Object Option Record


Object API Name: Enter the object API name of the child object. *Not a child relationship name.

Master Object Id Field API Name: Enter the cross-object formula that references the master object Id.

Refer to the following for cross-object formulas.

Use cross-object formulas to display parent/reference object fields in merge fields


Example 1: Master object is Account, second level is Opportunity, third level is OpportunityLineItem

Object API Name: OpportunityLineItem

Master Object Id Field API Name: Opportunity.AccountId


Example 2: Master object is Customer__c, second level is Billing__c, third level is BillingDetail__c

Object API Name: BillingDetail__c

Master Object Id Field API Name: Bill__r.Customer__c




Use cross-object formulas to display parent/reference object fields in merge fields

Output records of grandchild objects (3 levels) to documents