PDF Page Break Settings

When outputting PDF, set the maximum number of lines on the first page of child records and the maximum number of lines on the second and subsequent pages, and output page breaks. Output table headers on the second and subsequent pages. Prints the text continued from the previous page, continuing on to the next page.

*This feature is available in Office File Creator Pro.



Examples of Use

  • Make page breaks with a maximum of 20 lines on the first page and 25 lines on the second and subsequent pages of a PDF child record.
  • Output table headers on the second and subsequent pages of a child record.
  • Output text such as "Continued on next page" at the end of a page break and "Continued from previous page" at the beginning of the next page.


Required settings

  • OFC_Child Object Option Record Settings



OFC_Child Object Option Record Settings

Open the OFC_Child Object Option record detail page and enter the field values in the "(Pro) Page Break" section.

Reference: Create OFC_Child Object Option Record


(PDF) Max Rows on Page 1: Enter the maximum number of rows on the first page.

(PDF) Max Rows after Page 2: Enter the maximum number of lines after the second page.

(PDF) Table Header after Page 2: Check this field if you want to output the table header at the top of the next page after page break.

(PDF) Html Text [To Next Page]: Enter the text to be output at the end of the page before page breaks.

e.g. ----- To Next Page -----

(PDF) Html Text [From Previous Page]: Enter the text to be output at the top of the next page after page breaks.

e.g. ----- From Previous Page -----


You can set the format and position of "(PDF)Html text [continued on next page]" and "(PDF)Html text [continued from previous page]" as desired.




  • If the record value of a child record contains a line break or a large number of characters, it may not fit on one page due to the number of lines in the page break setting and may span to the next page. In such a case, the borders of the table are broken at page breaks in PDF.
  • Page breaks can only be set for PDF output and cannot be set for Excel, Word, or PowerPoint output.




Break the PDF at a specified number of lines and output a table header on the next page