Save Logs

Logs such as output date/time, error information, and user information are stored. Logs are stored in the OFC_log object.

*This feature is available in Office File Creator Pro.


OFC_Template Record Settings

Open the OFC_Template Record screen and enter the field values in the "(Pro) Log" section.


Save Logs: When checked on, the OFC_Log record is saved. Test output is not included.

Save Test Output Logs: When checked on, the OFC_Log record is saved at test output.



Check OFC_Logs

Logs can be viewed from the "Logs" tab of the OFC_Template record screen or from the list view of the "OFC_Logs" tab.

OFC_Template record screen


The list view of the "OFC_Logs" tab


Log List

Field Name Details
Log Number Log Number
Result One of "Success", "Failure", or "No Result" is set.

When PDF previewing, no output result is returned. "No result" is set unless the error type is Output Excluded.

Error Type The following values are set.

  • Execution Error ・・・ Error at execution before file output.
  • File Output Error ・・・ Error at file output
  • Output Excluded ・・・ Error when the output condition of OFC_Template is not matched
  • Log Save Error ・・・ Error when saving logs
Test Output The following values are set.

  • True ・・・ Test output from OFC_Template record screen.
  • False ・・・ Output from other than OFC_Template record screen.
Error Message Error Message
Execution Details
Start Date/Time Start Date/Time
End Date/Time End Date/Time
Execution Time (sec) Number of seconds of execution
Execution Method One of "Custom Button", "Lightning Component Button", or "Flow" is set.
Request Id Request Id. When multiple files are output at once, the same RequestId is set in one execution. Set the following execution results by Apex.


Number of Output Files (per Run) Number of output files per run.
Number of API Calls Number of API calls. number of API calls are consumed when outputting images in the rich text area of Excel and Word output.
Number of Images Number of Images
User Execution User
User Type User Type. Set the following execution results by Apex.


Session Type Session Type. Set the result of the following execution by Apex.


UI Theme UI theme. Set the following execution results by Apex.


Template & File
OFC_Template OFC_Template record Id
Template API Name Template API Name
Object API Name Object API Name
File Type File Type
Save As The following values are set.

  • download ・・・ Download
  • file ・・・ Attach to a record in Salesforce and save to File
  • att ・・・ Attach to a record in Salesforce and save to Attachment
Download The following values are set.

  • true ・・・ File save + download
  • false ・・・ No download when saving files
Record Id (Link) Record Id to output
File Name File Name
ContentDocument Id ContentDocument Id. The value is set when the "Save As" is "file".
ContentVersion Id ContentVersion Id. The value is set when the "Save As" is "file".
Attachment Id Attachment Id. The value is set when the "Save As" is "att".
System Information
Created By Created By
Last Modified By Last Modified By
Owner Owner




  • In the event of an OFC_Template record retrieval error, such as insufficient permissions on the OFC_Template record, the log is saved regardless of whether the log save setting is checked on or checked off.
  • When PDF previewing, no output result is returned. "No result" is set to "Result" unless the error type is Output Excluded.
  • OFC_Log records consume the organization's data capacity. When the organization's capacity is exceeded, creation of the log record fails.
  • If creation of a log record fails, a log save error message is displayed to the output user after the file is output.