Settings Minimum/Maximum Number of Child Records

When outputting child records, set the minimum and maximum number of records to be output.

*This feature is available in Office File Creator Pro.



Examples of Use

  • Output at least 10 lines, such as table rules if the number of child records is less than 10 records. For example, if the number of child records is 4, Output 6 blank lines.
  • Output only the 20 most recent child record creation dates.


Required settings

  • OFC_Child Object Option Record Settings



OFC_Child Object Option Record Settings

Open the OFC_Child Object Option record detail page and enter the field values in the "(Pro) Output Rows (max/min)" section.

Reference: Create OFC_Child Object Option Record


Minimum Number

Set this parameter when you want to output blank lines when the number of child records is small. For example, if "Minimum Number of Output Lines" is set to "10" and the number of child records is 4, 4 child records and 6 blank lines will be output.

Number of Output Rows (min): Enter the minimum number of output rows.


Maximum number

If the number of child records is large, set this option if you wish to limit the number of outputs. When setting the "Number of Output Rows (max)," the sorting is also set. For example, if "10" is set for "Number of Output Rows (max)" and the "SortField1 API Name" is set in descending order by close date and time, the last 10 records of the close date and time are output.

Number of Output Rows (max): Enter the Maximum number of output rows.



Output Sample

Sample with "10" in "Number of Output Rows (min)" and 4 child records