Use on Experience Cloud (for OFC Ver.1)

Create buttons on the Experience Cloud site.

*This procedure is for Office File Creator ver.1.

Create Lightning Component Buttons

From the Builder screen, open the record detail page where the button will be displayed. Open a component from the component icon in the upper left corner of the screen. Select "officeFileCreatorCmp" in Custom Components and drag & drop it to the position where you want the button to appear.


Select the placed officefileCreatorCmp, enter various values, and click "Save". 10 buttons can be placed in one Lightning component.



Field Required Contents
Record Id required Record Id. {!recordId} is set by default.
Title   Component Title

e.g. Documents

Icon   Icon of the component. Enter in the format "Icon Type:Icon Name", all lowercase.

e.g. standard:quotes

Success Message (default)   Default message to be displayed after file output and saving is complete. If left blank, no message will be displayed.
Button Group   Spacing between buttons when multiple buttons are placed.

  • Check On: No spacing between buttons.
  • Check Off: There is a space between buttons.
Button on same line as title   Display position of the button when Title or Icon of the component is displayed.

  • Check On: The button is displayed on the same line as Title and Icon. When checked on, the button is right-aligned.
  • Check Off: The button is displayed on the next line of Title and Icon.
(Button 1) Label Required Button label name

e.g. Excel

(Button 1) Template Required Template Api name for OFC_Template record, must be entered if Label is set.
(Button 1) Save   Sets how the file is saved.

  • Blank: Output to file
  • File: Save as a file in Salesforce by attaching a record.
  • Attachment: Save as an attachment in Salesforce by attaching a record.
(Button 1) Style   Sets the style of the button from the selection list value. If left blank, neutral is applied.

  • base: Blue text (no border)
  • neutral: Blue text and a gray border on a white background
  • brand: White text on a blue background
  • outline-brand: Blue text and blue border on white background
  • destructive: White text on a red background
  • text-destructive: White background with red text and a gray border
  • success: White text on a green background
(Button 1) Icon   Icon of the button. Enter in the format "Icon Type:Icon Name", all lowercase.

e.g. utility:download

(Button 1) Tooltip Text   Tooltip text that appears when the mouse cursor hovers over a button.
(Button 1) Success Message   Message to be displayed after file output/saving is complete.

If this field is left blank, "Success Message (default)" will be displayed.

To display multiple buttons, set (Button 2) through (Button 10) in the same manner as (Button 1). If you enter (Button XX) Label, be sure to enter (Button XX) Template.


About Icon

Refer to the Lightning Design System for the Icon name to be set. Select Icon Type from Utility, Doctype, Standard, Custom, or Action and enter it in the format "Icon Type:Icon Name". Set all in lowercase.

e.g. standard:quotes

e.g. utility:download


Style Sample


Sample screen after placing buttons


Test Output

 When testing file output and saving from the site screen, please check on the actual screen after publication, not on the preview screen. Downloading and saving files on the preview screen does not confirm correct operation and content.


The following is a description of the events that caused the error in the preview screen.

Screen in "Preview" in the upper right corner of the screen

No files can be downloaded or saved at all from the preview screen.

Clicking the button displays the screen being processed, but no files are output or saved from the preview screen.


"Preview as" screen

The preview screen when logged in as an Authenticated User or Guest User with "Preview as" from the preview screen does not reflect the correct content of the PDF when downloading and saving the PDF.

The file will be output, but the contents of the output PDF will show "To access this page, you have to log in to Salesforce".



Considerations for Guest Users

  • For guest users, the organization's share settings are set to private for all objects. Access permissions to the OFC_Template object for guest users require the sharing rule. See the Salesforce help below for more information.

Best Practices and Considerations When Configuring the Guest User Profile

Create Guest User Sharing Rules

Test Guest User Access in Your Experience Cloud Site

  • It's not supported to save files to Salesforce by guest users. Guest users can only download files.



Icon samples for the document buttons & titles