11. Troubleshooting


When selecting an installation location on the install screen, "We didn't find any Salesforce accounts linked to your Trailblazer.me profile. To create an account, sign up for a free trial of Salesforce." is displayed. My Salesforce account is already connected to Trailblazer.

This may be a connection issue between your Salesforce account and Trailblazer. Contact Salesforce Help.


When accessing the AppExchange, the "503 first byte timeout" error message shows.

It is due to a Salesforce Known Issue. Refresh the page or try again later. If access is still not available after 2-3 hours, contact Salesforce Help.

Salesforce Known Issues

'Error 503 first byte timeout' sometimes displayed when accessing an AppExchange listing


When outputting from a custom button, the error message "Insufficient Privileges / You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested." is displayed.

Grant access to the Visualforce Pages. If you have created a Visualforce page for batch output from the list view, please grant access permission to the created Visualforce page.


When a guest user outputs a file in Experience Cloud, the error message shows, "You don't have access to the template file. Access to the template file requires permission to read the OFC_Template record.".

For guest users, the organization's share settings are set to private for all objects. Access permissions to the OFC_Template object for guest users require the sharing rule. See the Salesforce help below for more information.

Best Practices and Considerations When Configuring the Guest User Profile

Create Guest User Sharing Rules

Test Guest User Access in Your Experience Cloud Site



File Output Common

The value of the merge field is output as it is in the output file.

Check the following to ensure that the format of the merge field is correct

Check if the format of the merge field is {!Object API Name.Item API Name}.

Check if the object name and field name are correct.

Check if "!" is not missing.

Check if there are no unnecessary spaces.

*Not all layouts and output patterns are supported. Please note that we may not be able to support your output pattern.


Number fields are not output with 3-digit comma delimiters.

In Excel, set the format from the cell formatting.

In Word, PowerPoint, and PDF, check on "Adjust Format (commas/decimal places)" in the OFC_Template record to output numeric fields in 3-digit delimiter comma notation.

Formatting of Currency and Number Fields (Ver.1)


The currency symbol for the currency field is not output.

In Excel, from the cell formatting, set the template file so that the currency is displayed.

In Word and PowerPoint, add the currency to the beginning of the merge fields in the template file.

e.g. ${!Opportunity.Amount}


The layout is corrupted when outputting files.

Not all layouts are supported. Complex layouts are not supported. Change the collapsed parts of the template file to a simple layout.


When Outputting a file, the error message ″Failed to read the template file. The file format may be incorrect or the file may be corrupt. Please upload a valid template file from the OFC_Template Record screen. is shown.

OFC may not support the output pattern. Try the following.

  • If the file has a complex layout, simplify the layout.
  • In Excel, delete unused rows and columns. Excel normally saves rows with values and formatting, but for some reason an empty row may be recognized as a used cell and a large number of unnecessary rows are saved.
  • In Excel, check for hidden and unnecessary sheets, and delete any unnecessary sheets.
  • If Office functions (e.g., graphs, pivot tables, etc.) are used, remove Office functions. OFC may not support them.
  • If images are included in the template file, reduce the file size of the images by lowering the image quality.


When outputting with the custom button, the file cannot be downloaded from the same record screen for the second and subsequent times. The screen must be refreshed to output again.

Check your browser download settings. As an example, the settings for Chrome are as follows.

  • From Chrome settings, go to Privacy and security > Site settings > View permissions and data stored on across sites. Click on "salesforce.com". Click on the target domain URL and check "Automatic downloads". If "Automatic downloads" is "Block", change it to "Ask (default)" or "Allow".
  • From Chrome settings, go to Privacy and security > Site settings > Additional permissions > Automatic downloads. Check the URL list under "Not allowed to automatically download multiple files". If there is a Salesforce URL here, click the ":" on the far right and click "Remove".

How to deal with the problem of not being able to download files or multiple files from a custom button




When outputting Excel files, the long text area fields are output as a single line without line breaks.

From Format Cells in Excel, set "Wrap text". When creating the Excel template, enter the sample values, adjust the cell formatting, and then set the merge field.


When outputting Excel files, decimal points are truncated.

Use Excel's cell formatting to set the decimal point to be displayed. When creating the Excel template, enter the sample values, adjust the cell formatting, and then set the merge field.


When outputting Excel files, formulas in an Excel file are not output.

Excel formula output can be used with template files uploaded with Office File Creator version 1.15.0 or higher. Please check the version of Office File Creator and upload the template file again with version 1.15.0 or higher.


When Outputting Excel files, the error message "We found a problem with some content in 'filename.xlsx'. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes." is shown, and when opening the file, the contents are output as empty.

OFC may not support the output pattern. Try the following.

  • If the file has a complex layout, simplify the layout.
  • In Excel, delete unused rows and columns. Excel normally saves rows with values and formatting, but for some reason an empty row may be recognized as a used cell and a large number of unnecessary rows are saved.
  • In Excel, check for hidden and unnecessary sheets, and delete any unnecessary sheets.
  • If Office functions (e.g., graphs, pivot tables, etc.) are used, remove Office functions. OFC may not support them.
  • If images are included in the template file, reduce the file size of the images by lowering the image quality.




When outputting PDF files, extra ruled lines are displayed.

Change the color of the extra ruled lines to white. When outputting PDF files with Office File Creator, the Word structure is converted to Html and then converted to Html -> PDF using Visualforce's PDF generation function in Salesforce. Although the PDF file is displayed correctly in Html, it may not be converted as expected when converted to PDF in Visualforce.

This is due to the specifications of Visualforce, so we cannot handle this issue.


When outputting PDF files, the ruled line of the table is cut off at the page break of the child record.

This is a specification. PDF is output by the PDF generation function of Visualforce of Salesforce, and the page break position is automatically judged by the function of Visualforce.

When automatic judgment is made, the ruled line output of the table between page breaks cannot be adjusted on the OFC side.

In Office File Creator Pro, ruled lines are output without being cut by setting.

PDF Page Break Settings


When outputting PDF files, the layout is corrupted. When outputting to Word in the same template file, the correct layout is output.

Both PDF and Word output use Word template files, but the output process is different for each. The PDF output process is more complex than Word output, and there may be patterns that are not supported for PDF output.


When outputting PDF files, merge fields are not replaced with record values, but are output as is. When outputting to Word in the same template file, it is output correctly.

Both PDF and Word output use Word template files, but the output process is different for each. The PDF output process is more complex than Word output, and there may be patterns that are not supported for PDF output.


When outputting PDF files, I set tab spacing in a Word template file to align the beginning of characters, but the output does not appear in the correct position.

The Word tab spacing is not supported. Create a table with uncolored ruled lines to align the top position.


When outputting PDF files, shapes are not output.

Shapes and object output are not supported.


When outputting PDF files, it does not output double-byte characters.

Please make sure that "PDF Includes MultiByte Character" in the template record is set to "Include" and "PDF default font" is set to "Arial Unicode MS". Or, the output characters may be External characters. External characters are not supported.


When outputting PDF files, the error message "An internal server error has occurred" is shown.

Plese check the error message on the preview screen by clicking the "Preview PDF" button on the OFC_Template record page. More detailed error messages will be displayed in the preview.


When outputting PDF files, the error message "common.apex.runtime.impl.ExecutionException: id: xxxxx Invalid integer: 0.99999.." is shown.

The template file may have been created outside of the Microsoft Office desktop version. Create a template file in Microsoft Office Desktop Edition. Template files created by other applications are not supported.


When outputting PDF files, the error message "common.apex.runtime.impl.ExecutionException: id:xxxx Attempt to de-reference a null object: execute=write:curElem=r row=4" is shown.

There may be a template file pattern that is not supported by Office File Creator. The following are possible ways to deal with this issue.

  • Change text font to "standard"
  • Change complex parts of the layout to simple ones
  • Delete shepes
  • Create a new template file based on the sample template




Flow terminates without outputting a file after execution.

If the flow terminates without outputting a file after the flow is executed, the error processing may not have been implemented properly. Be sure to obtain the "isSuccess" and "errorMessage" of the return value of the OFC flow component, and branch processing according to the "isSuccess" value. If "isSuccess" is "false," implement processing in case of an error, such as displaying the "errorMessage" value on the screen.


File output processing does not start after the execution of a flow.

If the file output process does not start after the flow is executed, it is possible that the variable "recordId" or "ids" is not properly passed to the OFC flow component. Check that the values of the "recordId" and "ids" variables are set correctly before executing the OFC flow component.

How to check

  • Create a new temporary variable "tempRecordId" of text type.
  • Add a flow "Assignment" before the OFC flow component and assign the value of recordId to "tempRecordId", or in the case of "ids", assign it in the loop process.
  • Check the "Assignment" on the debug screen and confirm that the "recordId" is assigned to "tempRecordId".

If "recordId" is correctly assigned to "tempRecordId" but no output is generated, set "tempRecordId" to the record Id of the OFC flow component.


When outputting using a flow from the list view or the flow debug screen, the error message "Failed to read static resource OFC_Zip. Please clear your browser cache and try again." is displayed.

Clear your browser cache and try again. If clearing the browser cache does not resolve the issue, close and restart your browser. If Lightning Web Security is enabled when outputting using a flow from the list view or the flow debug screen, an error message may appear after upgrading.