
What types of files can be output?

Excel (.xlsx, .xlsm), Word (.docx, .docx), PowerPoint (.pptx, .pptm), and PDF (.pdf) files can be output.Excel (.xlsx, ....

How many users and file outputs are available?

There is no limit to the number of users or file outputs for both the paid and free versions.

Is it possible to output a primary object and its related child objects?

A master object and its related child objects can be output. There is no limit to the number of related objects.Office F...

Is it possible to output multiple master object in one file?

It is not possible to output multiple master object records in one template file.

How do I output multiple files at once?

Files selected from the list view can be output in a batch. It's available on a Visualforce page or in a flow.The paid v...

Is the app available in Flow?

Office File Creator is available in Screen Flow and Record-Triggered Flow.Record-Triggered Flow is available in PDF file...

How do I attach the file to a record and save it in Salesforce?

Files can be attached to records and saved.Instruction manualAttach Files to Records.

How do I preview the PDF?

When outputting PDF, the preview is available in a separate tab of the browser.Instruction manualPreview PDF

How do I set to allow/prohibit file output according to record values?

File output conditions can be set according to the record values of the master object.The feature is available in Office...

Is it possible to change the template or Excel sheet by record values?

It is not possible to change the template or the output Excel sheet by record values.It is possible by using the flow. C...

How do I update records after file output?

The application does not have the feature to update records after file output.It is possible by using the flow.Instructi...

How do I send a file as an attachment to an e-mail?

The application does not have the feature to send an e-mail.It is possible by using Flow and Apex.*Knowledge of flow and...

How do I save the output logs?

Output log records such as output user, output time, and number of outputs per template can be stored.The feature is ava...